6 Ways Busy Moms Rock Meal Planning

meal planning real food

Define your goals + eating lifestyle

What does the ideal meal plan do for you and your family? For some that might be improving health, managing health issues, or for others it might mean making significant changes for health or staying on budget while eating a nutrient dense diet.

Set the boundaries based on your goals

If you have the goal of adhering to an extremely tight budget and an extremely clean diet then you need to understand that meal planning is your only option for reaching BOTH goals.

Compare yourself to your ideal self

If you look to the left and the right of you then you’ll always be dissatisfied with your progress. Instead- look behind you and in front of you. What were you doing before and how is what you are doing now better? What more do you have to do to reach the you that you want to be in the future?

Make an action plan

In the Crunchy SuperMom Community, we are all about making huge goals and breaking them down into mom sized steps that can actually be done on a daily basis regardless of your season of life. We have moms with 6 or more kids and we have moms wtih twin newborns and both are successfully carrying out their daily action plan because of these first 4 steps here.

Get into a routine

With a clear plan of action, your responsibility is to take those action steps every day. I say this a lot on the Crunchy SuperMom show- it is more painful to skip a step than it is to power through and do the step today.

An example: I had the flu worse than I’d ever had the flu before- so I had the choice one morning- throw a rock solid frozen whole chicken into the  instant pot--which was above the refrigerator...and you know how painful it is to change the position of your head when it is pounding...so I could grab it- go downstairs and pull a chicken from the depths of my deep freeze and turn it on for dinner OR I could not do that and have nothing to feed my not sick kids later in the day when I would surely feel worse.

So I help my SuperMoms get into the mindset of not putting off until later what they can do right now...because the discomfort later will always be worse than the discomfort of doing it now.

In order to make all of these things happen- you have to have a very solid daily routine. You have to find the time in your life to make your meal planning a priority.

That’s a very lofty goal for moms and that’s why Crunchy SuperMom exists.

I have put together 3 secrets for Creating More Time in Your Day


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