Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #001 - Overwhelmed Mom = Unproductive Mom

crunchy super mom show


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Are you an overwhelmed mom? Listen to the first ever Podcast show for holistic, natural-minded moms! SuperMoms Sarah and Mandy take on an arch nemesis: Overwhelm. In this episode, you’ll learn how important it is to overpower self-defeating talk, improve your time management with Super routines, and we'll share our best SuperMom secrets. This show includes access to a Power Plan that will help you implement what you learn to develop a routine or rhythm that fits your life. Be more productive and less overwhelmed by taking one small step at a time.

In this episode we are going to cover a topic that is super important to all moms--overcoming overwhelm, Super- Mom’s kryptonite. It is our goal that you will end this episode feeling fired up and ready to take action. We hear from a lot of moms who feel like they are stuck in a state of constant overwhelm. Some feel like they have a handle on things. Either way, we are going to be talking to ALL of you SuperMoms because no ma er what, we all can feel overwhelmed at some point. 

In this episode we help you:

  • Start overcoming self-defeating talk
  • End the distractions that fractionate your day
  • Implement the 5 secrets of a SuperMom
  • Create a Power Plan to unleash your SuperPowers

Links mentioned in the podcast: 

Sarah talks about her disability and how she stopped letting it take over: A Year After Vestibular Neuritis What is a SuperMom exactly? More tips on ending negative self-talk and how it increases productivity SuperMoms Increase Productivity In An Instant Five Secrets of a Crunchy SuperMom Download the full transcript of this episode.  



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