SuperMom Is Real


SuperMom is real. You are SuperMom. I am SuperMom. Let me tell you just one SuperMom adventure…


After months of being unable to get out of the house and weeks of being unable to get out of bed due to the onset of severe vertigo, I was resentful.  Prior to the onset of my affliction, I had all the perfect systems and routines in place in our lives. A bout with vestibular neuritis left me unable to maintain my normal life--and that meant SuperMom was dead. During my struggle there were many days where I was unable to carry my 5-month-old from the bedroom to the nursery, standing upright long enough to play with my kids outside made me sick and I couldn’t get the rest I needed because my room wouldn’t stop spinning day after day, night after night. A condition that should have lasted a few days, maybe a week or two at most, plagued me for months and left me with permanent damage. As the condition persisted and the reality that this was the new normal for me set in, my inner voice turned on me. It said: SuperMom is dead.

Broken By Overwhelm

SuperMom’s standards are high when it comes to living a natural-minded life.Researching the most natural resources for the family to promote health was enjoyable. Given my disabled state, living the life I had worked so hard to create had become overwhelming. My pristine routine could serve me no longer and I broke.   SuperMom fell hard and she fell far. It was not my expectations of myself nor my disability that killed me. It was my mindset. I let myself “go there”. Sure, I had to let my routines slip away because they couldn’t serve me anymore. But the real problem occurred when I went to that place that I see so many other mothers go-- to the land of “I can’t”. I can’t do it all today, tomorrow or the next day. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. And I really believed I couldn’t. My body believed it couldn’t and when I tried to do anything--I failed. Super Mom was dead. I wasn’t feeling so Super anymore. I still had all the tips and tricks a mother could ever want for getting her life in order so I changed a few lives in those months despite my own life being in total disarray. As my resentment grew, the vision for Crunchy Super Mom grew too. I figured, if I put out there the systems and routines that I used in my home, I would scare everyone away. I wanted to stop being asked how to be a Super Mom. Surely they would see how much work it is to become Super Mom and give up--like I had. The truth would be out there: SuperMom is not real.

SuperMom is Real

There was something cathartic for myself about laying out my routines and systems “on paper” so others could understand and attempt them. But instead of scaring people away, they were doing the hard work and telling me how much it changed their lives. This was an unexpected outcome that changed my attitude. Call me pretentious, but seeing these lives changed using the systems and routines I had created showed me that the world needed SuperMom. Other moms needed to be empowered so they could let the SuperMom inside them shine. If I could resurrect Super Mom, then every mom would know, Super Mom is real. We all have something that plagues us but if we set our minds to believe we are Super Mom, we can stand upon the rubble of our overwhelm and find solace in our routines. That is why we created this blog and our Crunchy SuperMom community. We know SuperMom is real and she’s inside each of us. All it takes to transform from overwhelmed to SuperMom is a little support, mental resolution to succeed and a few perfected systems or routines.


Positive Self-Talk

SuperMom, you can! When I resolved to overcome the disability that plagued me, things slowly changed. It was a lot of hard work. Just standing up meant more uncontrollable nausea. Cooking for the family required so much effort--just standing and coordinating my eyes with my brain and body meant severe fatigue and vomiting. I had to relearn my skills because my body wasn’t operating the way it had before. But more importantly, I created a new mindset-- I would not be beaten by this season of my life! Routines may only last for a season in our lives. Recognizing this is a critical second step. Realizing you can overcome is the first and this step is better accomplished when you are surrounded by other SuperMoms who recognize where you are and what has taken hold of your life. Many years ago I heard this quote and it stuck with me, “If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Take Action

For the first few months, resurrecting SuperMom will be incredibly difficult. We have carried out the same routines for years and they either worked well and don’t now or they were never good, to begin with. When you find yourself needing to figure out how to cram the necessities of life into the short day we have, you need your SuperMom community to help you start building the right routine.

  • To do this, start with a Transfer of Information. Make a list of all that is on your mind to empty it.
  • Sift through the list. What can you say, “no.” to?
  • Choose one item on that TOI and take action.

When you are in survival mode it will feel as if you are pulling yourself from a mud pit. But small, persistent movements will get you out. This is what you must do. It will be terrible. It might hurt. But when it is done, you will feel amazing. Just take one step and keep moving. If you move forward the tiniest bit, you can summon the strength to take another step and another. Step by step--you are doing it. Super Mom is real! If you’re struggling with overwhelm right now, I invite you to join other SuperMoms who have been where you are and are working on designing their holistic life one small step at a time. Start with this simple daily routine planner and try these 5 Secrets of a Crunchy Super Mom. They will be life changing but we would love to support you on a personal level too. So click here to get connected and get started with our daily routine planner. You are SuperMom! 


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