How Super Moms Increase Productivity In An Instant


As moms, productivity might feel like a word you no longer comprehend. After all, with little ones and so many different responsibilities, it is not easy to be productive all the time.

Some days, the very idea of “increasing productivity” may feel like a joke!  Instead, we try to hang on and operate in survival mode!  But what happens when you feel completely stuck and utterly unproductive?  Are you kind (genuinely understanding) with yourself?  Or does the negative voice in your head start hounding about your failures?  

When your productivity takes a dive, there is a way to immediately get back on the path to success.  Unrealistic, you say? It truly isn’t!  

The magic is self-compassion.  It is that simple!   

Increase productivity with self-compassion

Practicing self-compassion reduces anxiety, overwhelm, and depression while increasing productivity, happiness, and confidence.  

Guess when you are most productive?  

It certainly isn’t when you are stricken with anxiety!  It is amazing how self-compassion and awareness of your negative emotions will allow you to actually stop procrastinating, end the self-defeating talk, and motivate you to do better!  

We would never expect a motivational coach to tell us how terrible we were before sending us out into the world to achieve success!  Instead our feelings of despair, frustration, and overwhelm, would be validated and then redirected.  We would be guided with compassion and shown how we CAN do it all despite our negative feelings!  And guess what?  We would leave that motivational coach excited about making positive changes in our lives. Our productivity would increase! 

Now, imagine if self-compassion was your internal dialog?  What if you regularly told yourself that you CAN have “it all” and you WILL?  What would happen if you were kind to yourself, as you would be with a dear friend when you encountered bumps in your path?  

You would see immediate increases in your productivity.  

The SuperMom Journey starts with self-compassion

Self-compassion is the first step that you must take on your SuperMom journey.  You must start to speak to yourself kindly!  Here are some suggestions which can help you exercise your self-compassion:

Journal or write a letter to yourself.  Make sure you first validate your feelings instead of trying to push them down or vilify them.  Try to understand why you have these feelings and what has happened in your life that might make you feel/react the way that you are.  Now, ask yourself what you would tell your good friend if they were the ones who had just bared their soul to you.  Write down your compassionate response as if you were talking to your good friend.  Read your kind response as often as needed.


Pay attention to your critical self-talk and develop a compassionate response, mantra, or prayer. Take notes, either mentally or written, on the negative words that enter your mind.  Instead of sinking deeper into those defeating words, repeat your compassionate response.  You will be providing yourself with the emotional support you so desperately need during a trying time, and this will allow you handle every situation with more grace.  

It isn’t always easy to practice self-compassion, but you will improve as you continue.  You will also increase your productivity! Self-compassion is honestly something we must practice as well.

What can help on your journey are other Super Moms.  We are building a community of Super Moms who can support each other and truly celebrate the successes and remind you to be kind to yourself when there are failures.  

Within our community, we are also offering you the tools you need on your journey no matter if you are just embarking on a holistic lifestyle or a more seasoned crunchy mom veteran.  We want to help you increase productivity through self-compassion. 

Please join us here and let’s all practice being self-compassionate SuperMoms!


For more information on self-compassion, check out Dr. Kirstin Neff's amazing book.

Remember, don't suffer from overwhelm and practice some self-compassion instead!              



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