New Year + New Mom

planner, new year, mom goals, goal setting, planning, resolutions, better mom

Let’s imagine that it's the first day of the year and you feel the pull to create big, bad, hairy, audacious goals. The problem is looking at what you want to accomplish reminds you of what you didn't actually accomplish last year. But don't worry, statistics show that you're not alone.

We are not alone.

Everyone has grand ambitions as the clock strikes midnight on 12/31. On December 31, right, the gyms are packed the first few weeks of January and by February, those same gyms are running membership retention specials to try to recoup the windfall that they had in January. And they've already lost all of that progress. 

What can you do, SuperMom to change your outlook and your chances of success in the new year?

I say this every year, but I start my New Year routine way back in November and December and I’m here to invite you to join me in the process for yourself! We’ll be kicking off the New Year New Mom Challenge very soon so be sure to register, for free, by going to the New Year, New Mom Challenge Registration page to get your free action plan and get the training videos.

Together we will go through the four main steps for a fresh start over the course of 5 days. It doesn’t matter when you start this process, it doesn’t have to be on or around January 1st. It can be any time. 

In the New Year New Mom Challenge - we are going to be establishing the foundation of your system--because it is my system or systems that have kept me successful throughout my life. Anytime I talk to a mom who's just struggling, if you're struggling, look at your system, if you don't have one, that's why you're here. That's why you're here in the Crunchy supermom community because that's what we do together-- we create systems. There are many opportunities for you to steal my system and try it out. It will probably teach you how a good system can work but eventually, it won’t quite work for you because the key to a good system is that it needs to fit you and your life. 

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I have always been an ambitious person and I have a feeling that if you are here, you too are an ambitious mom. You have no problem having steep goals and the audacity to take a good hard stab at reaching those goals.
The problem is- we no longer serve only ourselves. We have a household of little beings that we care for and they have bigger needs than we do. Our goals for the new year take a back seat to diapers, dinners, and dishes!
That sounds bleak and not nearly as exciting as making a New Years' resolution--even if you know you won’t stick to it.

Let’s flip the script. If a goal without a plan is just a wish- let’s make a plan!

These are all these things that you thought just automatically came with life as an adult and they don't, those are like our new year's resolutions. It sounds really depressing in a way, especially when they don't stick. So let's flip that script. Let's create a goal with a plan. So let's not be wishing that we could do something different in the new year or ever. We don't have to wait until the first day of the year to make a new plan but it's okay if we did. It's okay if it's the middle of the year and we're making a plan it doesn't matter. The point is to make a plan that is totally stickwithable

What do you have to lose? You can join the FREE New Year, New Mom Challenge, and create a great foundation of a system that works for you and your family. Or you can skip it and do what you do every year when the calendar rolls over to the 1st. 

First of all, let’s look at last year.

  • What fills you with gratitude?
  • What moments do you find almost regrettable?
  • What did you learn?
  • Where were you hoping to be in your life at the end of the year?

Let’s dream about this upcoming year.

  • What would you do this year if you could do anything you wanted?
  • Take a step back from that, what are you willing to sacrifice this year to achieve your ONE big dream?
  • What happens when you reach that big goal?
  • What happens if you don’t? 

Let’s make a plan.

  • Break your big goal down into pieces.
  • In order for ______ to happen, what else needs to happen?
  • What do you need to do to make those small pieces happen?
  • How much time does it require?
  • How will you hold yourself accountable?
  • What rewards will you have (or give yourself) for completing each piece along the way?
How do you feel about this plan to achieve just one BIG goal in the new year?
Are you feeling like one big goal won’t be enough or that you just can’t figure out HOW to fit that into your busy and chaotic life right now?
I understand. It’s hard to see your future as productive when you aren’t managing your baseline duties as a busy mom. 

Are you spending more of your time dealing with the household chores?

Or is it the meal planning?

Is your day just running away from you? 

Or are you too. Tired. To. Function? 

Join the discussion.



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