How to Be Prepared for Emergencies With Apis Mellifica

holistic health

Apis Mellifica is a potentially controversial remedy because it is made with a crushed honeybee that has been added to alcohol and then diluted many, many times before being added to a sugar pastille. We have heard many stories about the reduction of bee populations and its implications for humans here on earth. Why would we earth-loving mamas want to stock Apis mel in our First Aid box? Apis Mel can be a lifesaver when used in emergency situations like bee stings, venomous snake bites or poisonous spider bites.


Apis Mellifica Benefits

Apis is used for swelling, redness and inflammation that occurs in one site--such as the site where a bee may have stung.. It is important to note that apis is *not* the remedy for swelling from a bruise or eating a high-sodium meal. Instead, it would be good for actual insect stings that are triggering inflammation. In emergency situations where you don't carry snake anti-venom or activated charcoal, Apis mel may be the only option available to you. Unlike many other treatments for these emergencies, Apis mel comes in a small vial and doesn't expire for years. We are not advocating forgoing other life-saving remedies or conventional tools in favor of using Apis Mel in emergency situations. However, this remedy is still a valuable asset in your natural medicine cabinet when you do not need emergent medical care. It can also be used in conjunction with standard medical protocols.

Treat Inflammation With Apis Mellifica

Other inflammatory responses that Apis mellifica can treat include sore throat, urinary tract infection, styes and infections of the eye (conjunctivitis). It can also be given when hives appear. Hives can be difficult to differentiate from any of the other types of rashes--especially in children. Hives are typically raised, red bumps on the skin. They usually itch, sting or burn. Surprisingly, hives can even appear on the tongue or throat. When they appear close together, they can lose shape and be harder to recognize as hives. They can last for hours or even a full day. The versatility of this remedy really make it a must have for any natural home. This vial is highly affordable and it just might save a life in the event of a severe allergy to bee stings. 

Signs You Should Use Apis Mellifica 

When the individual prefers cool temperature to warm temperature, including beverages, Apis Mel is the remedy to use. Apis is a remedy I keep with me at all times because we are outdoors often and I have a bee allergy. Again, I'm not advocating for relying only on apis if you or a loved one has an anaphylactic response to bee stings. However, many people do find relief to all sorts of stings using Apis Mellifica.

Apis Mellifica References:

ABC Homeopathy:

Boiron USA:

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