Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #003 - Natural Ways to Survive the Cold and Flu Season

the crunchy super mom show

Hey, SuperMoms! Listen to your hosts, Sarah & Mandy, talk about natural ways to survive the cold and flu season.  We want you to prepare so we are going to spend today talking about what you can do to prevent those nasty illnesses.

What you will learn about surviving cold and flu season:

This is about how to prevent illness with some of our favorite immune boosters. Listen as Mandy tells us why you might jump for joy that your kids eat their boogers. Am I serious? You'll have to tune in to find out.
Sarah and Mandy both answer the biggest question: What are your top three remedies in your house for cold and flu?
People call this the cold and flu season and it is technically not a season. The reason that this happens, why we have so many colds and us during this time of year, is a lot of people in the USA are inside. Ge ing outside, getting fresh air, opening up your windows a lot- or as much as you can...those are important steps too. We really hope that you’ve enjoyed what we have said here. You can get started building up your immunity before any of the illnesses hit your family. A lot of these things would treat the cold or flu if it does hit your home. We have put together a packet of tools to get you started. Download it by clicking the green box above!

Links and resources mentioned in the episode:

Join our exclusive group of SuperMoms to get more tips and tricks to unleash your SuperPowers. Boogers maybe good for your health, or not? You decide! Marshmallow Root, the whole story with recipes Eucalyptus Oil, everything you need to know about it with steps for use at home What Kind of Magnesium to use and how to apply it. Potent and dangerous, Oregano oil Elderberrytips and an amazing master tonic recipe Garlic, the amazing immune booster--plus recipe! Ginger, including recipes for coughs What you need to know now about using essential oils safely on and around children. Dairy Kefir tips and recipe



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