Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #014 - Oh @#S*, Mom Is Sick

holistic health podcast


Stitcher Radio


This show was inspired by a dreadfully long string of illnesses in both of our homes and we don’t even live in the same state! This issue of mom being sick cannot be fully addressed without encouraging everyone to listen to our previous episode which was all about communicating our routines to our spouses. Truly podcasts 013 and 014 and their Powerplans go hand in hand.


Oh @#$*, Mom is sick!


Having kids means sickness and germs play a very big role in mom’s life. And boy does it stink when she falls ill! Not having a sick day routine in place means that as soon as mom gets well, she has the joy of cleaning every square inch of my house, grocery shopping, redoing the meal plan and likely catching up on days of laundry. No matter how sick mom is, some things still have to be done! And unless your kids are of the age that they can play alone and feed themselves all day without needing help, mom will need to intervene. This means you need some kind of routine that they expect and enjoy…...or else you are doomed to dragging yourself through the day in a state of panic wondering how you can make it through.


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