Sourdough Einkorn bread - A health food?

healthy eating

Yes, Einkorn flour does contain gluten, but did you know that it is very different than the modern wheat's gluten? While it contains the same amount of gluten as modern wheat, the gluten forming proteins do not behave in the same manner as hybridized wheat and there are entire groups of y-gliadins, present in all other modern wheat, that are absent in einkorn. So, perhaps this is why some gluten intolerant people can still eat einkorn. However, is gluten the real nemesis of the modern food diet anyway? There is evidence that it might not be gluten you are reacting to, but glyphosate instead. If you are like us and don't want to give up all breads, but want to make sure that your family eats only the healthiest version, we want you to consider einkorn. Specifically, we want you to try sourdough einkorn. Does that sound intimidating? It did to us at first, but with some quick tips, and tested recipes, you can easily add sourdough einkorn baking to your routine. And once it is in your routine, you will be able to make it a habit that requires so little brain power that you will think sourdough einkorn bread baking is one of your easiest tasks.


Ancient Einkorn

The use of the adjective "ancient" is becoming as popular as the use of "natural". In theory, it is better to eat ancient grains than to eat modernized (especially genetically modified) grains. Ancient grains have higher levels of protein and a more impressive nutrient list. Modern grains perform better and require less work to make the fluffiest, tastiest bread but the compromise is the reduction of protein and other nutrients.

Soaked Grain Bread

What does it mean to properly prepare or soak grain anyway? You would think that you should just be able to pick up some organic wheat flour and use it at home. Well, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests modern Americans have really messed up the healthfulness of wheat by doing this. Instead, we need to look to the original way wheat was prepared and consumed. It was often soaked/sprouted and fermented (sourdough) to help deactivate the phytate which is considered the "anti-nutrient" in bread.

Einkorn Flour - Why its different

Einkorn wheat has higher protein and nutrient content than most modern wheat. In fact, einkorn contains 200 percent more lutein than modern wheat! It also contains 50% more manganese, riboflavin, and zinc and 20 percent more of the B vitamins. Because einkorn's gluten-forming proteins behave differently compared to every other grain flour available, the flour requires a little bit of practice to work with. However, with the right recipe, a kitchen scale, and a bit of practice you can make all types of recipes. While the final texture might be different than modern wheat bread, the flavor is unsurpassed.

Purchase Jovial Foods Einkorn All Purpose flour

I recommend starting with a smaller bag or just one 10-lb bag, to begin with.
Make a basic pancake following this recipe so you can see and feel the difference.
Create a basic sourdough starter and make your own sourdough! 

Jovial Foods Einkorn All Purpose Flour, Organic

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