5 Steps to Rock Motherhood Like a Super Mom

super mom

There are a lot of ways to get through life but not all of them are ideal. The words mom and overwhelm are so connected that being overwhelmed is just an expectation. It is considered normal. Overwhelm isn't a feeling we should experience persistently as we navigate life. If you are overwhelmed and you know you don't want to exist in such a negative state as you go through your life as a mom, then you are in good company. Crunchy SuperMom has built a community of like-minded moms who just don't believe the image of SuperMom that society tries to paint.

Right now you have an idea, a vision of what SuperMom looks like in your mind. If she's unclear then you have more work to do. It is time to clear that negative thought closet of the lies that have entered it. SuperMom is real and setting your goal to find her again is realistic. You are capable of reaching any goal you set your mind to. I know exactly how to help you take action to reach those goals.

STEP 1: Define What SuperMom means to you

Scrub your eyes, ears, and mind of those negative thoughts that tell you to hang up your cape. Hanging up your cape will result in only one thing: more overwhelm! If you don't do the dishes, who will? If you don't juggle kid events and nutritious meals for your family, who will? How does hanging up your cape help you achieve any of your goals? It doesn't! Define what SuperMom means to you without allowing any outside influences to alter your vision.

STEP 2: Accept Limitations

Your beliefs limit and push you the most. If you don't believe in yourself and your ability to reach your goals, then you are right--you cannot be SuperMom. If that fires you up and makes you want to argue with me-- good! What you think about, you bring about so put your mind to achieving your goals and believing in yourself.

This does not mean you will practice crafts until you match what you find on Pinterest. You will not rip out a Martha Stewart scene and recreate it in your home and share it on social media as evidence that you made it--you are SuperMom. Nope, that is not SuperMom. That's the exact icon we want you to reject. The true SuperMom is one who strives for her own ideal for no other gratification except internal gratification. There is no greater feeling than sitting on a perfectly clean couch, listening to your children playing, and hearing the oven ding that your homemade dinner is ready. That moment can't truly be captured and pinned. It belongs in your mind and heart as a sign that you are doing it--you are living the best life, the ideal SuperMom life you have designed.

STEP 3: Compare Yourself to...Your Ideal Self

Comparison is a tool from the devil. It truly is. However, comparing yourself to your ideal self is different. In this exercise, you are looking at your life and making a list of the things you are doing well and the things you aren't doing to the best of your ability. Highlight the most painful things so you can work on those first. This might be something as simple as keeping your house clean or it may be as complex as reducing the yelling in your home.

STEP 4: Make an action plan

Now that you have identified your areas for improvement-- make a plan to work on just one of those areas. This is where you will reap the most benefits by joining our community of SuperMoms. We have a diverse group of moms who know they are capable of SuperMom status and are actively working towards it every single day. Share your action plan with us and we'll get you on track for achieving your ideal lifestyle.

STEP 5:  Find Support

Not everyone loves the idea of you being Super Mom, especially if you start to make big changes in your life. That is ok! Find a group of like-minded super moms. They may not live near you but they totally get you. I recommend my own hand-picked community of SuperMoms.

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