Montessori Toddler Activities


My Montessori Toddler

When my youngest daughter was turning two I decided I would create a resource to help others setup Montessori toddler activities in their homeschool spaces. Now is that time! My little girl is already getting into our work shelves and I know to take that as a sign that she is ready for some of the lovely Montessori tools that my older two daughters have used over the years.

Having set up a Montessori space for two children in each of the five homes we have lived in over the last 5 years, I have quite a bit of experience in what works and what doesn’t. There are numerous Montessori tools on the internet that are incredibly useful but because Montessori is child-lead, there aren’t many “open and go” or “step-by-step” resources available. Most parents considering Montessori for their toddler just want to know what to do first. If that is you, then you will appreciate my approach to the Montessori method as I prepare the space for my toddler.

Must Read Montessori Books--Just Two

You have likely read many of the basic books on the Montessori method and Montessori activities for toddlers but if you have not, I do encourage you to read at least one:

Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth to Age Three

The second resource that I found highly valuable is Montessori at Home. This tool is great for kids up to age 6. It will keep your spending low because John does a lovely job showing you what Montessori tools are truly essential and which ones can be replaced with a similar functioning tool that is more affordable or he gives you instructions on making it yourself!

To Prepare Montessori Activities and Space for Toddlers: 

  • Get rid of any toy boxes or bins. Children do not appreciate digging for a desired toy anymore than you enjoy digging through the junk drawer to find just one screw.
  • Arrange space on the lower shelves of your bookcases or purchase low, shallow, wide shelves like these. Do not let your lack of low shelves hold you back.
  • Get a toddler table. This is more important than having the perfect shelves.
  • Locate some square rugs or mats that are light but pleasing in texture. Your toddler should be able to fold or roll these without your help once you have demonstrated how to do it correctly.
  • Round up baskets, trays and simple but interesting containers that will hold various work. Toddler tools are usually fairly large, so the size of a dinner plate or larger is ideal.
  • Fill a few (1-3) of these baskets or trays with some work.
  • Demonstrate to your child the process of doing work. Roll out a mat on the floor, retrieve work from the shelf, do the work, put it back on the shelf and roll up the mat.
  • Favorite Montessori Toddler Activities

The tracking toys are amazing. We have kids up through age 10 who still play with this every time they come to our learning space.

Create a simple but fun threading work. A nice thick cord or shoestring and some buttons with the right sized hole. You don’t want it to be too hard to slide the thread through the button. You also don’t want to use buttons or blocks that are so small your toddler might be tempted to explore them orally. I would have loved to make a simple button and cord work for my toddler, but she was too interested in playing with things inside her mouth so I opted for this set as it is too large to become a choking hazard. 

The Crumb Brush is an essential tool. It is important to demonstrate how to clean up tiny crumb messes at meal time and at craft time. This tool is fun to use and it is very empowering for the toddler.

Here are a few links to review to inspire you to set up more work for your toddler. Sensory play is very important and fun at this age. Nature play; stacking; filling containers with rocks, dirt, water and leaves; and learning how to set her place at the table for meals are great activities for the Montessori kid!

How to Montessori Without Going Broke

Storing Toys the Montessori Way 

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