Easy Real Food Substitutes

healthy eating

Do you want to start eating real food, but can’t bare the thought of giving up all of your favorite foods?  Who does? No one wants to feel deprived!  This step on the real food journey is often where people get stuck. Let us help you simplify you transition to healthier eating with these easy real food substitutes.

Real Food Priorities

Examine your cupboards and kitchen and decide which less-than-ideal food items you simply could not live without for one reason or another. Are there many?  We are going to address many of the most common here in our free infographic, but we encourage you to take this list and make it your own.  Add to it with your own substitutes as you work toward eating real food.  Remember, do not overwhelm yourself at this step in your real food journey.  It is important to take it one small step, one “crunch”, at a time.

First, A Real Food Warning...

You should be warned that taste and texture of some substitutes may not be suitable for all people...at least not at first. For example, coconut oil, unless it is expeller pressed, has a strong coconut flavor that might not jive with all recipes. The same is true for the texture of the oil.  There are times when liquid oil is integral in the success of a recipe so substituting with butter, coconut oil, or pastured lard or tallow might cause a total recipe flop. Most of the other substitutes are easy to incorporate as soon as you make the adjustment.  It may take some time to find a good alternative that is within your price range and/or one that you can make yourself.

Shopping For Real Food Substitutes

We recommend shopping online as a way to save money on real foods.  Here is our step by step process.  First, sign up for an Ebates account so you can get money back at our two favorite online shopping locations, Thrive Market and VitaCost.  Ebates is so simple to use after you sign up and if you install the browser extension for Firefox or Chrome, it will not only remind you about your discount but allow you to apply it with one click.  It is money back with very little effort.  Who doesn’t love that?

Real Food Substitutes:  The List!

This is our list of our favorite easy real food substitutes. We encourage you to take this list and add to it for your family.  Remember, do not feel overwhelmed by this list.  Just take one substitute at a time and you will be on your way to eating a real food diet in no time.  You can also download the pdf of the Real Food Substitutes here.  Please share this infographic so we can spread the word about how easy it can be to eat real food. Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save




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