Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #025 - Want to Be Happier? There's a Routine for That

daily routine podcast




Be sure to subscribe to our show so you never miss an episode. Also, we don’t want you to worry about having to take notes or missing anything so we have a complete PowerPlan laid out so you can have all of the helpful information from this show right at your fingertips. All you need to do is go to is click here to grab that free PowerPlan!

  • Step 1: Plan for your morning the night before.
  • Step 2: Take control and don’t react.
  • Step 3: Make your morning routine such a habit that you don’t even have to think about it.

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

John C. Maxwell

This is why we have an entire mission in The Super Mom Academy on creating a daily routine that fits your life. Planning on those interruptions is key when you have little children. It also adds to the overall happiness and satisfaction you have with your routine if you plan for the potential interruption. These three steps truly are key to being able to plan an effective morning routine that will make you feel happier. Don’t forget to grab the free power plan so you can refer back to these morning routine design ideas. Also, we want to offer you the support of a community that can give you even more tips on how to design a routine that truly works for your life. Click here to join us.


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