Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #021 - 7 Tips for Organizing After Decluttering

decluttering organizing podcast


We are talking about our favorite tips on how to organize after decluttering. You might be thinking, isn’t organization the same thing as decluttering or doesn’t it go hand in hand? Well, our answer is “yes”....but...there is more. 

Like so much of what we do there is a system or a rhythm to organization and decluttering and while they do often go together they are also separate. If you have trouble figuring out how to organize the spaces in your home or how to get into a good system of organizing and decluttering this is definitely an episode you want to listen to.

We have a new segment in our podcasts where we answer a listener question. This week it was about the dishes routines we use. If you are struggling with taming your sink full of dishes, you should listen to our answers!

Tip #1

Do not feel overwhelmed by looking at the big picture. You may have already decluttered, but trying to organize is still a huge job. Sometimes just looking at an area that is disorganized can make you feel like getting it under control is impossible.

Remember, one small step at a time is key and this is why we are going to be giving you a zone worksheet in the Power Plan so you can break down your disorganized areas into small zones and it won’t feel like it is impossible.

Listen to get the rest of the tips or download the Power Plan here

Tip #7

Create a schedule for regular organization. Keeping an area organized is so much easier than having to do a complete overhaul. If you schedule regular intervals of decluttering your zones, you will be able to keep everything well organized with very little effort.

We hope that this podcast has provided you with a better idea of exactly how you can organize after decluttering. Remember, we do have an entire mission on decluttering inside the Super Mom Solution.

And in that mission, we are going to walk you through the decluttering process step by step with our



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