SuperMom Myth Busting: What is a SuperMom? - Crunchy SuperMom Show Episode #019

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We want to do a little myth busting on the topic of SuperMom. We are going to try to clear up any misconceptions about what a SuperMom is. We want to share some of our own struggles with the SuperMom mindset. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Also, we don’t want you to worry about having to take notes or missing anything so we have a complete PowerPlan laid out for you so you can have all of the helpful information from this podcast right at your fingertips. 

In every episode, we do a 2-Minute Tear Apart where we closely examine something we have come across in our lives to determine if it fits our goal of living a healthy life. At the end of the 2 Minutes, you should know the ins and outs of the practice or product we Tear Apart.  

One of the key elements of our SuperMom Solution is helping moms obstacle proof their routines. What this means is foreseeing changes in the season and having a new backup routine already in mind. Right now, if you are like us, you have a routine that’s working fairly well for you but your kids may begin totally wrecking your evening and morning routines and your sleep. Knowing how to avoid the fallout of this is the kind of foresight that we teach in the SuperMom Solution.

We apply it to all of our routines from Meal Planning and Laundry to Self Care and Mindset. We want to give you a test drive of the SuperMom Solution with a podcast subscriber code SUPERMOMSHOW. Click here to use the discount code and learn more.

What is SuperMom, exactly?

SuperMom is a mindset, not an action figure or some unattainable figure that society pressures moms to be. There is no one right way to “be” a SuperMom. It is YOUR version of what YOU want for your lives and this means rejecting outside pressures to be something you are not. There are no SuperMom molds. Everyone’s version will be different. Your goals should focus on what is most important to you. This could mean anything from a pristinely clean home and home cooked meals to having more time doing outside activities with your children or even more time for your own personal goals or hobbies.

In the SuperMom Solution, step one is to develop a SuperMom mindset, because who can ever hope to progress and feel empowered when they feel “less than”? And yet, that is how we, as moms, spend a lot of our lives. We want to wipe away that negative defeated mindset and help you replace it with one that makes you feel like you can “do it all”!

What does SuperMom look like?

Just to give you examples of how SuperMom status can differ based on your own personal goals, we are going to go through what it means to us.

For me, it is all about resolving to move toward my goals for myself and my family and ignore the temptation to compare myself to others or to the images of perfection I encounter every day.

Social media has magnified not only the unrealistic images of perfection but also has made it too easy to get stuck in a comparison mindset. That’s why SuperMom is a positive trigger for me. It reminds me of who I am to my family and how God created me.

It is OK to struggle but I know I am strong enough to get through the daily things I need to do to fulfill my duties as a mom and wife. Once the mindset is in place, I just walk through the steps that I know serve me well and we call these the SuperMom Solution.

My personal goals are just that, personal. It is what I strive to accomplish in everyday life. No one set these for me and I am willing and motivated to reach them but I know this means hard work, planning, and action.


For Mandy, “being a Super Mom” means so many things including keeping her house in good working order, her family well fed, and having time to pursue her own passions. She says, "number one would be seeing myself as a SuperMom….having the SuperMom mindset."

This means that she rejects self-defeating talk and embraces being a SuperMom: "If I don’t actively try to keep a SuperMom mindset, I will dwell on the negative every single time. I basically have a running commentary, or a negative coach, inside my head beating myself up. When I allow myself to stay in that negative mindset, it all spirals downward and usually ends with me feeling sorry for myself and feeling paralyzed like nothing can change. And when I get to that place, my attitude is horrible and things do not get done."

Mandy reflects on her role as a SuperMom: "Also, I am not the mother or wife that I want to be...not in the least! I then see my family’s attitude begin to disintegrate. And why wouldn’t it? How can they feel okay when their mom is operating from this horrible place? When I can operate with the SuperMom mindset, I can implement all of the SuperMom techniques like having effective routines, making my routines a habit, and also achieving my other goals of having a well-ordered home, homeschooling, and be cooking whole foods."

Do you currently see yourself as a SuperMom? 

I can’t say I was always a SuperMom because I was definitely stuck in a place of comparing myself and feeling less than Super. I was inadequate in many areas, according to Pinterest and I totally believed it.

It wasn’t until my family endured a three-year stretch where my husband’s job left me alone to solo parent. At the same time, I had a kid with a medically necessary elimination diet, a strenuous pregnancy, and all of that was followed by 5 months of persistent dizziness and nausea from a condition that has yet to fully resolve.

I got really good at being a natural minded mom by putting one foot in front of the other. After struggling for a bit, I realized that it didn’t make sense to compare myself to others because no one was living a life like mine.

At first, it consumed me and made me resentful. But I soon developed a SuperMom mindset. I resolved to get stuff done and enjoy my kids despite all that was going on in my life. It was hard. So hard. But my mindset shift was the catalyst for creating SuperMom, the community we have growing here.

Now I absolutely do see myself as a SuperMom. Moms are all super in their own ways. We all have gifts and areas of opportunity.

However, we get stuck comparing ourselves to others and to our ideal vision of what we want for our lives. Instead of focusing on what we want and what we already have, we focus on what we aren’t and don’t have.

We know here in our CSM community that all it takes is the mindset and action plan to design a routine that will lead us to the life we want. The minute a mom adopts that mindset and accepts the challenge of taking action to reach her goals—she becomes SuperMom.

We want to offer you the support of a community that can help you transform from your current state to a more SuperMom state.

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