Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #011 Developing Good Habits

the crunchy super mom show

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In this episode today we are talking about our ridiculously messy homes and developing a good habit to combat them! Yes, you heard me correctly, our homes are messy too! And not just messy sometimes, I would say that they are messy every single day because we have very young children who are home with us all day since we homeschool. 

Can any of you relate to this problem?  While we wish our homes would stay effortlessly clean, this is simply not realistic given the season of our lives and how we want to encourage "free range" kids and their play.

Get the show notes and Power Plan for action steps here. 

We hope that by the end of the episode you will have a better idea of what our habits are that help us easily clean up or messes every single day. 

Don't forget to grab our free Power Plan so you can start working toward developing your own great habits!

Make sure you subscribe so you never miss our 2-Minute Tear Apart session that you can only hear on the podcast.  In this tear apart, we closely examine something we have come across in our lives to determine if it fits our goal of living a healthy life. At the end of the 2 Minutes, you should know the ins and outs of the practice or product we Tear Apart. This week we tore apart a cleaning tool that we both find absolutely necessary for our sanity. Make sure you tune into the podcast to hear that segment.

Step one to developing good habits:

Print the Power Plan and start working toward developing good habits in your own home (brainstorm how to develop good habits and write directly inside the Power Plan). Join the conversation on developing good habits and get personalized help in our private community of SuperMoms. 





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