Crunchy Super Mom Show Ep #005 - What Kind of Homeschool Mom Are You?

the crunchy super mom show

In this episode, we talk about homeschool, which is something that we both do with our kids and we know a lot of other SuperMoms do too! While there are numerous things we could talk about, as with so many of our pillar topics, today we want to focus on something that is actually really general for all families with kids even if you don’t homeschool. That topic is what kind of homeschool or school SuperMom are you? And are you comfortable with it or do you want to change? We’re going to go over some tips on how to tighten up your school schedule and also the opposite end of the spectrum- how to relax and give your kids more room for autonomy. So listen in, even you aren’t a homeschool mom, there will still be tips that apply to you.

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What you will learn about homeschool and after school routines:

Whether you homeschool or just pick up your kids from school every day, having a routine will improve your family life. Listen to our example routines and work through the exercises we give you in the Podcast Power Plan linked below. Giving everyone a role in the routine is critical to your success. What kind of homeschool mom are you anyway? Check out the link we share below on a cute and playful spoof on the different types. Get our daily planner page and build your own routine that will improve your time-management and will improve everyone's mood! Our support community is helpful in bouncing around ideas and troubleshooting. Plus, you can find Mandy and Sarah there to get one-on-one help improving your after school or homeschool routine.



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